4 perfect two ❤

May 18, 2011
heyy my baby blogger...
rindu kamu LOL..
kamu sihat tak..jap nak check baby blogger
mierah ni sihat tak..........
okay, kamu sihat..hohoho^^

entry ni pasal lagu at korang dengar kat
baby blogger mierah ni..
sambil dengar bolehlah MELALAK skali
betol tak..

jum jum..............

You can be the peanut butter to my jelly
You can be the butterflies i feel in my belly
You can be the captain and i can be your first mate
You can be the chills that i feel on our first date

You can be the hero and i can be your side kick
You can be the tear that i cry if we ever split
You can be the rain from the cloud when it's stormin
Or you can be the sunwhen it shines in the mornin

Dont know if i could ever be
Without you cause boy you complete me
And in time that i know we'll both see
That we're all we need

Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one i wanna marry

Cause your the one for me (for me)
And im the one for you (for you)
You take the both of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two

We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two

You can be the prince and i can be your princess
You can be the sweet tooth and i can be the dentist
You can be the shoes and i can be the laces
You can be the hearth and i spill on the pages

*yang lain tu korang sambung sendiri dekat kotak comen mira
boleh? tak payah semua. satu perenggan lepas
perenggan yang kat atas tu je...hohoho ^^
sape boleh sambung n paling kreatif mira kasi topup rm5.
huhuuhk..nak tanak? tanak takpe.
( tak rugi duit ak )
yang paling kreatif la yang dpat topup tu (=
sorang je k.kepada yang bertuah..

cop cop..lagi satu,dalam comen yang korang tulis
lirik lagu tu. korang masukkan skali dgn nape korang suka
lagu ni..ada pape memori ke ngn lagu ni..
mira nak tau..hohoo
sebokkk je aku ni...

mierah kasi ni pon saja2 jek..
papepon jum kite MELALAK dulu..

cheers* Big smile

5 she so cute ^^

May 17, 2011
heyy to all blogwallking dalam dunia berblog ni and
haluu to my baby blogger..new entry kali ni mierah
nak story pasal sorang budakk ni..
budak ni ialah lilynana lexy..
mesti korang kenal die kan..
kepada yang tak kenal tu jum la singgah2 blog die

okay..mierah nak start sal lily ni..
first nye mierah dah lama berhajat nak story
sumthing about her but ta berkesempatan nak buat.
kali ni mierah dah sempat nak buat..hohooh

k la..macam mana kiteorg boleh kenal?
mesti la dekat facebok..laman social yang paling maju
sekarang ni..mierah yang add die..then die app..
happy tau..die dah la cantikk..cute..semua ada la..
mierah suka gambar die yang ni

*cantikkan si lily ni..
mierah suka cara die amik gambar..
sangat2 cantik..
pandai post lak tuh..hehhee^^
jum kita tgok gambar die yang lain..

something about her...
name: lilynana lexy ( not real name.mybe ^^ )
stay: shah alam
age: 20 dis year ( tapi die punya face mcm bdk2 kn. cute )
if korang nak kenal die add la die at fb..

lily...mierah suka rambut lily..
auwwww cantik sgtt (=
k la da tak tau nak merapu apa lagi..

see u baby blogger
cheers* Big smile


May 16, 2011

" komuniti blogger di malaysia mestilah bersatu padu ,
bekerjasama dan saling hormat-menghormati di antara satu sama lain
bagi mewujudkan silaturahim yang erat serta perpaduan yang hebat ,
salam 1 blogger dan salam 1 malaysia "

pesanan penaja : kepada siapa yang nak join segment bloglist
untuk blog follower 300 dan ke bawah ini boleh lah
tinjau-tinjau di blog Sekencang Angin..

* memandai je saya cakap ni pesanan penaja..
huhuhukk ^^

2 cadbury

May 15, 2011

heyy pepps..hello to all blogger n to my baby blogger..
kamu semua sihat? hope sihat la ye..
hmm hari ni nak update pasal cadbury, boleh?
mesti lah boleh..ni kan baby blogger saya..ecehh ecehh (=

okay lets start..
why i make new entry about CADBURY..
korang kenal tak cadbury..
mesti semua orang kenal kan..
kalau ada yang tak kenal, tengok
gambar kat bawah ni okay ^^

| wahh..sedapkan tengok coklat cadbury
dairy milk kat atas ni..meleleh air liur saya..hahaha |

im fallin in love with cadbury since i kid..
kamu sangat2 sedap kan incik cadbury..
sehingga menjilat jari..( curi tagline orang )
nak tahu serba sikit sejarah tentang cadbury tak..
cadbury ditubuhkan hampir 200 tahun yang lalu
ketika John Cadbury membuka sebuah kedai di Bull Street,Birmingham
pada tahun 1824..

*inilah dia incik John Cadbury tu

okayy..cadbury ni datang dalam bermacam macam jenis..
coklat bar ada..hot coklat ada..cadbury finger pon ada..
nak buat cake pon bole..semua sedap la..i like^^

kalau boleh hari hari nak makan kamu
incik cadbury..hohoho..

k la..dah tak tahu nak mengarut apa lagi
pasal kamu incik cadbury..
pape pon terima kasih sebab menemani
hari hari saya..

cheers* Big smile

May 14, 2011

heyy my baby blogger..and heyy to readerss..
hope korang semua sihat :)
happy saturday^^ korang hang out tak hari ni..
mierah duduk umah je..
malas nak kuar..hohoho..
jum lepak ngan mierah kat umah ni ~

okay..entry kali ni something about LOVE..
LOVE is a big word and so meaningful..

love means treating others weel

the first meaning of love has to do
with how u treat the person
u care about..creating a close,
loving relationship is not actually so difficult
to understand! how to do it can be learn..
in fact, it has to be leraned by everyone
who knows how to sanctify their
relationship rathet than pollute it.

love means pleasure

when couple treat each other well,
they delight in each other,
and love means pleasure,
deep emotional enjoyment of each other.

A relationship is like a rose, How long it lasts, no one knows;
Love can erase an awful past,
Love can be yours, you'll see at last;
To feel that love, it makes you sigh,
To have it leave, you'd rather die;
You hope you've found that special rose,
Cause you love and care for the one you chose.

Love is the power which can make you or break you.
Everytime I close my eyes your love is all around.



cheers* Big smile

0 my little brother

May 10, 2011
dik seriously rindu gilaa kat kamu !

heyy baby blogger..dis is my adeq..i call him adeq!
name: Ben Lee
age: 18teen dis year
BOD: 15 sept 1993
stay: pj
status: taken already by Khaulah Minoz
so don't try to take him from me n his gf.
kau lah adeq aku sampai bila2 :'(

die just adeq angkat saya je..
suka buat lawak n kadang2 mengong jugak ko kan deq..
kalau mcg dengan die tak boleh reply lambat2 nanti kena
marah ngan budak ni. dah la ko kurus je deq tapi kalau
marah. wah2 kerbau pon takut. haha
gurau je.. adeq! kaka sayang adeq.

* suka gambar ko yang ni deq..
cute sangat dengan rambut ko tu.
tapi sekarang rambut dia da pendek..
dah potong. tapi still lagi ko cute deq..

budak ni suka main gitar..boleh tahan a ko men gitar deq..
dah banyak video yang die upload kat fb die..

ko ingat tak ko penah janji ngn kaka yang ko nak col kaka
then suruh kaka dengar ko main gitar.. mesti ko ta ingat kan deq..
tapi kaka ingat lagi. ko dah janji k. suatu hari t kaka tuntut janji ko..
hahaha ^^

k la dah malas nak merapu sal ko budakk..
eh satu lagi. adeq tak suka kaka panggil ko budak kan..
kaka ingat lagi kalau kaka panggil adeq budak, adeq cakap
kaka yang budak sbb kaka lagi pendek dari adeq..
sangat jahat kamu deq..
hahah :P

k la..hope happy happy selalu ye deq..
miss u adeq :'(

cheers* Big smile

0 snap snap

heyy my baby blogger.. kamu semua apa khabar?
hope korang semua baik2 jep. kalau tak sihat pegi klinik
then if tanak pegi klinik just take medicine ok ^^
saya pun kurang sihat ni tapi malas nak makan ubat.
jangan jadi mcm saya malas makan ubat..

okay..new entry kali ni SNAP SNAP..
apa tu? last entry ary tu saya ada ckap yg saya
suka snap pic so kali ni pun dengan bushan yg melanda
then ta de apa nak buat saya mula la snap pic..

*walaupun sakit tapi still lagi boleh snap pic.
itulah saya. huhuk =='

*first picture

*second picture

saya upload dua pic ni jap.
takpayah upload banyak2, bukan cantik pon.
ahahah. dats all for now.
see u soon

cheers* Big smile

2 bila rasa bushan

May 8, 2011

bila bushan ni la xtvt saya
snap picture banyak2
tambah koleksi la katakan
tapi pic ni je yang saya upload
malas nak upload yang lain ^^

hmmm can i mix this entry.. ofcos can. haha :)
i wanna write something for my lovely mummy
my mummy are my inspiration
i can't live without u mummy
so please don't ever try to leave me alone
i love u so much
without u i am nothing

cheers *Big smile